venerdì 9 aprile 2010

ThE WritErS aRt

what's the writers art?it's an act of vandalism or not?i think it's art,a particular beautiful form of art..a lot of people don't think so,and in italy it's now considered a crime!it's clear that there are a lot of difference between writer and writer:do graphics urban art on a monument is an act of vandalism,but if you do it on a metro like in this video,i think it's a beautiful form of's stylish,new,it's a way for decorating the place,the dirty's a way to express ourselves,to be free,to leave a little part of us everywhere we go.I don't like "tag",the writer's signatures,because are stupids,but one day i would like a lot to try to make one of this encantan!what do u think about?

1 commento:

  1. Art would be always art, If it bothers someone or not.

